Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the chief elected/appointed body of the Association. The Board represents the shelter industry and holds ownership of the Association for its members. The Board is the guardian of the assets of the Association and the policy setting body of the Association.
John Waters
President Biringer Builders, Inc.
Shane Burnette
Vice President Builder Schell Brothers, Division President
Chris Hobbs
Treasurer Premier Insurance Agency, Ltd., President
Pat LeGault
Immediate Past President LeGault Homes
Robert Carter
Past President's Representative Southern Traditions
Scott Sleeme
Executive Committee, 2017 term Mitchell Homes, Inc., President
Daniel Jones
Executive Committee, 2018 term East West Communities, Sr. Vice President
Wesley Stanton
Executive Committee, 2018 term United Bank
Clay Grogan
Executive Committee, 2019 term Parker Design Group, Inc., Principal
William Garrett
2017 term W. B. Garrett, Inc., Pres
Samuel McDonald
2017 term Property Results, LLC
Danny Sowers
2017 term River City Custom Homes, Inc., Owner
Chris Trimmer
2017 term W. C. Trimmer, Inc., Pres - William C. Trimmer, Jr.
Mitchell Bode
2018 term The Crescent Group, Vice President
Shawn Adair
2018 term TimberCreek Building and Design LLC
Kevin McNulty
2018 term LifeStyle Home Builders, Owner / CEO
Teresa Mueller
2018 term Closet Factory, President
Jeff Bridges
2019 term Balzer & Associates, Inc., a Westwood company, L.S., Associate
David Cloak
2019 term TerraForge Communities
Shane Finnegan
2019 term Gumenick Properties, Vice President, Construction & Development
Roger Glover
2019 term Cornerstone Homes, LLC, Principal
Melody Hackett
84 Lumber Company, Director of Sales